Do I need a hobby?
Who could enjoy a hobby or benefit from a hobby or hobby?
The people that:
1-They get bored in their free time
2-They have work stress and need a pleasant and relaxing use of their free time
3-They want to develop desires and abilities but have been unable to do so until now.
4-They want to try new activities in their lives.
5-They wish to enjoy themselves better and take advantage of their free time more satisfactorily.
6-They wish to improve their health and do not know how
7-People at risk of health problems due to a sedentary lifestyle.
8-Those who wish to enhance their social relations
9-People at risk of developing boredom, those who have not yet been bored but are expected to do so after a while.
10-Children and adolescents, in a “preventive” way.
As part of leisure, hobbies have various utilities to consider when wondering why one might need them. The pursuit helps fight stress, improve health, personal development, and social relationships and combat boredom or the “bad” use of free time.
life without hobby
Many people live acceptably satisfied and happy without having a hobby. Those who struggle daily for subsistence probably have enough to think about how to enjoy their free time more. The pursuit is a topic that -by definition- is raised to people with free time and leisure and is not fully used. On the other hand, some people enjoy their work so much that they consider it their “hobby”, and others turn their “hobby” into their job.
Possibly, in the social concept of free time, it is necessary to include the perception that it exists and that psychologically it has essential that it constitutes a significant part of life. Many people can pleasantly spend their free time “doing nothing specific”, “goofing around”, watching TV, sitting in a bar or cafe with or without friends, going out, seeing lots of people, taking care of grandchildren (by their own decision and for pleasure, obviously) cleaning the house, going to his lifelong garden or with various activities, many of them from everyday life.
Various statistics confirm that the main occupation of free time is watching TV and going out with friends or family. Children can enjoy their free time playing non-stop. Although it could be argued that some of these activities are comparable to hobbies, the fact is that many of these people are happy with their use of free time. But it should also be noted that the main activity, watching TV, is wholly passive and in this sense -lack of exercise- may be associated with poorer health.
Who needs a hobby?
Those who most need a hobby are probably the ones who, in some, many or all of their free time, get bored, feel worthless, perceive that they are “wasting time”, and even get depressed. Those with free time cause negative feelings, with a particular element of restlessness, anguish, sadness or discouragement. The most obvious of these situations is boredom. In addition to being unpleasant, boredom can be detrimental to health, as some studies have shown, sometimes favouring the consumption of unhealthy food, alcohol or substance abuse, and depression. There is a page from the journal Nature in which the concept and the impact of boredom are discussed, and a test is offered (in English) to assess the tendency to get bored, which varies significantly from person to another.
(Boredom: Tiredness of the mind caused by lack of stimulation or distraction, or by repeated annoyance: Dictionary of the RAE)
Suppose boredom, frustration, anxiety or depression about free time appear with a certain extent and frequency. In that case, it seems logical to think that, in this case, a circumstance should be sought that modifies the situation for the better. This circumstance can be looking for a partner if there is no one, getting a pet, strengthening religious faith, or increasing their social or sexual life, among others. But -and not exclusive- perhaps it is simpler and healthier to look for a hobby that distracts, entertains or motivates. Unsatisfactory free time seems especially significant in two age groups: adolescents and the elderly. Those have a lot of free time during vacation periods and these after retirement.