Hobbies: novelties 2018.
In this post we comment on some new publications on the net on the subject of hobbies
Our page was created in 2017. Since then, new pages have been appearing on the Internet that generally deal with the topic of hobbies. Sometimes it is not easy to find what appears in the year, because the dates are not clear, so we only comment on some of those that somehow cite their date of appearance during 2018 or that they have renewed or updated during that year. its content. In any case, it is about seeing if new ideas or elements appear that encourage even more to enter the world of hobbies and interests.
In Spanish, http://forbes.es/business/9178/10-hobbies-que-quedan-bien-en-tu-curriculum-y-uno-que-no/ stands out, where they comment on 10 hobbies that look good on the curriculum : yoga, extreme sports, video production, endurance sports, team captain, blogging, gardening, photography, playing an instrument or any weird hobby. And there is a hobby that should NOT be put on the resume: reading!
Pau Ninja posts 12 new hobbies he has tried https://pau.ninja/hobbies/ : crossfit, salsa, sculpture, yoga, lindy hop, hip hop, writing, horseback riding, farming, ice skating, bowling and badminton; and adds 3 more: podcasting meditation and language study. On an insurance page https://afemefa.com/7-hobbies-mejoran-la-salud/ they point out hobbies that improve health: writing, listening to music, pets, gardening, dancing, reading and cooking.
Already in English there is a page https://www.thecut.com/2018/01/20-satisfying-hobbies-and-how-to-get-them.html, in which they propose 20 satisfying hobbies to start with a hobby and they are: learning a language, indoor gardening, flower arranging, cooking and baking, pottery, meditation, hiking and camping, knitting, learning something, pets, painting, singing, dancing, snowboarding, fishing, adult coloring books, DJ, playing the piano, skate and puzzles. At https://www.thebalance.com/cheap-and-fun-hobbies-4125444 they point out 13 cheap and fun hobbies: hiking, walking and cycling, reading, writing, board games, painting, volunteering, studying, camping, playing music, exercising, sponsoring an animal and “decluttering” (rearranging household items that are not used or needed). There is a page https://schooledbyscience.com/10-hobbies-with-health-benefits/ where they recommend as healthy hobbies: social dance, learning a language, gardening, writing, volunteering, pets, hiking, reading, playing an instrument and do yoga. A page https://www.myhobbytrend.com has also appeared where they group and describe a large number of hobbies.
The statistics page https://www.similarweb.com/top-websites/category/recreation-and-hobbies is curious, where a Chinese page is indicated as the most visited page in the world in relation to hobbies and entertainment, followed by an American https://www.kickstarter.com/?ref=nav that is dedicated to the development of creative projects, most of them related to topics included in hobbies. and the third is the page https://www.instructables.com/ dedicated to tutorials on practically any hobby or hobby type topic. Also interesting is a page https://www.thoughtco.com/choose-a-musical-instrument-to-play-3552861, where the method for choosing which musical instrument to play is explained in detail, advice that can be extended to many other hobbies
Hobbies, as a general topic, are not the source of much web page development, although, indirectly, they do generate a lot of interest and visits. The most recommended hobbies, both in general and for health, are usually the same on different pages. Some new or different hobbies are added such as: being a farmer, producing videos, coloring books, sponsoring animals or reorganizing useless objects, among others. There always seems to be room for imagination in the world of hobbies.