Hobbies and hobbies in Spain and in other countries
As can be seen, most of them fall into the category of hobbies or hobbies with broad criteria. The analysis of the reason for practising these sports indicates that 30% do it to be in shape and 23% to have fun, that is, as a hobby. Lastly, this survey suggests that nearly 80% of the population watches sport in the audiovisual media, and 35% watches them live, both activities being also often considered a hobby.
The main conclusion of these data is that a significant segment of the population carries out activities, many of which could currently be considered hobbies or hobbies. Many questions remain open, such as the frequency and duration of practice, the repercussions on well-being, health and social expenses and the comparison with the population that does not practice any activity such as those indicated.
A 2015 CIS barometer is intriguing in which it indicated that the most practised free time activities compatible with hobbies are, in descending order: reading, listening to music, surfing the internet or social networks, playing sports, going out to the countryside or hiking, shopping, going to the movies or theatre, playing games, doing crafts, studying, going to a concert or musical show, and going to a sporting event. Of course, the most frequent activity is watching TV.
There is a survey from the Youth Institute (http://www.injuve.es/sites/default/files/tablas_sondeo_2014-3.pdf) 2014 for young people between 15 and 29 years old, where they answer about habitual leisure practices compatible with Somehow with hobbies, the most common being listening to music, followed by playing sports, reading books, reading newspapers, reading magazines, going to the movies, going to concerts, playing video games, attending sports competitions, going to museums or exhibitions, to theatre and conferences. They do not study specific hobbies.
Another indicative data is the level of dedication to learn or improve hobbies, measured in various European countries, with Spain -in 2016- at a level similar to the European average (11% of the population), well below the first, Denmark (41%) and far above the latter, Hungary (2%). (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/DDN-20180328-1?inheritRedirect=true )
In OTHER COUNTRIES, it is not easy to find specific statistics on hobbies either. They are for general or leisure activitiesparticular, or specific groups of hobbies. There is a statistics of “cultural” pursuits in Finland in 2009 (http://www.stat.fi/til/akay/2009/01/akay_2009_01_2011-01-27_tie_001_en.html), the most frequent photography, followed, at equal levels between them, for playing an instrument, fine arts and writing and, below, making videos, dancing, singing and acting. As can be seen, it coincides quite a bit with the distribution registered in Spain.
In Japanese statistics in 2011 (http://www.stat.go.jp/english/info/news/1947.htm), in what they consider hobbies, the first is listening to music, followed by watching movies at home, reading books, going to the movies, playing video games, gardening, photography, watching sports, cooking, seeing art, going to concerts, going to theatre and dance, doing homework, and playing pachinko (a game played on a machine). In game rooms). The exciting thing is that they consider many hobbies that we also feel as such and, perhaps partly because of this and given the cultural differences, the distribution is quite different from that of Spain.
In a 2014 statistic in the United Kingdom ((https://www.statista.com/statistics/387934/weekly-leisure-activities-adults-united-kingdom-by-type/), it is indicated as the leading weekly leisure activity running, followed by another sport, gymnastics and lego, watching sports shows, going to the movies, going to bingo, going dancing, bowling and going to the theatre.
In a 2017 USA statistics on sports and leisure activities, in general (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/atus_06282018.htm ), the first is to watch TV, the second to socialize, the third is being on the computer or internet or playing games, fourth is “other leisure activities and sports, including traveling”, then sports or exercise, relaxing and finally reading.
In a statistic in France 2018 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/567238/france-hobbies-and-interests/), the main hobby or interest is travel, closely followed by cooking, reading, health and fitness, then decorating, arts and crafts, gardening, technology/computers, video games, watching sports on TV, photography, extreme sports, playing music, and camping.
In 2015 statistics from Mexico (https://observatorio.librosmexico.mx/files/encuesta_nacional_2015.pdf), watching TV is indicated as the leading free time activity, followed by playing sports, spending time with family, listening to music, reading, surfing the internet, going to the movies and already, less than 5% do crafts, dance, video games.
Official Spanish statistics show that hobbies and hobbies occupy an essential part of free or leisure time and that, possibly, the most practised hobbies are -excluding watching TV or being with family and friends, which are not hobbies- firstly, something also doubtfully considerable as a hobby, which is walking, followed by activities that could be considered as “passive” or “observation” hobbies such as, in descending order, listening to music, reading and going to the movies. They follow several sports, such as cycling, gymnastics and swimming. Practically at the same level are sports such as hiking or running, with the hobby of photography. Much less frequently is the practice of other sports, including football and hobbies such as making videos, painting, writing or playing an instrument.
Likely, the figures of people who practice hobbies or hobbies in their spare time can and should be improved.