Free “inactive” time is not synonymous with boredom. This idle free time, voluntary or involuntary, can be experienced with neutral emotion or positive or satisfying. A person lying down for several hours, awake, can feel very relaxed and rested, they can even have some non-specific mental activity such as elaborating ideas or “daydreaming.” Some authors argue that something similar – in English to be “idle” – can be beneficial due to its relaxing or anti-stress effect. Idle free time is the basis for relaxation techniques such as meditation. Some experts defend that even free time with boredom can be the origin of creative ideas precisely produced to combat said boredom.
On the other hand, it is interesting to highlight that idle free time is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of boredom, which can be intense. When this boredom is frequent, long-lasting, and persistent, it usually poses a problem for the person. It can even be related to the development of psychological or psychiatric disorders, especially depression.
Not everyone is bored the same. The tendency or predisposition to be bored is very intense in some people,, and others never get bored.
Therefore, there is a group of people who can quickly get bored when they have a lot of free time or leisure time. They are generally people with a certain tendency to get bored, and the amount of free time also plays a role. The groups with a lot of free time are mainly:
Children and adolescents, during their free school hours, on weekends, or on vacation
, people of working age who are unemployed or unemployed or who do not work for other reasons.
The retired.
But the problem can affect anyone with a few free hours a day or week. Boredom in all these people may come from the fact that there is nothing to amuse or distract them in these free hours or that the activities they do or have tried do not seem satisfactory. The most common way to occupy idle free time is to watch TV. The relationship between watching TV for hours and boredom is complex since this occupation can help combat it somewhat. Still, it can also be a cause of boredom and interference with more enjoyable activities. Currently, there are also two systematic ways to occupy this time, such as looking at the mobile and the Internet. It has been pointed out that, in young people, both actions are favored by boredom and, in turn, both looking at the mobile phone and using the Internet to distract themselves negatively affect life satisfaction.
It is important to re-emphasize the concept that boredom can harm health. :
A greater possibility of dying young has been described in those with a tendency to boredom.
Boredom causes a loss of self-esteem, and a greater consumption of food, which is more harmful than healthy and can also favor the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs in young people.
Boredom has been related to the presence of various symptoms, as well as depression, and maybe a symptom of its onset.
It is also possible that there is a relationship between the tendency to boredom and the decline in mental capacity in older people.
Hobbies can help fight boredom:
They are one of the most critical weapons; possibly the more influential,, the more “seriously” one is interested and involved with his hobby or hobby. The hobby page was initially created to encourage bored people who do not know what to do with their free time to offer them ideas and possibilities they may not have thought of. The information provided relates to several important things to know….
First, the person must understand or realize that:
She’s bored
This situation occurs due to not having anything interesting to do in your free time.
The second is that, on her own or with the advice or help of someone, she must seek a “healthy and reasonable” solution to said situation, which, if it persists, can be harmful.
The third thing is that he has enough conviction, energy, and persistence to apply the possible solutions he has found.