Some statistical data:
Although we have pointed out that being retired is not the same as being older, in this case, we associate them because most surveys are oriented more by age than by employment status. The leisure activities most practised by people over 68 years of age, at least in the USA, are after watching TV and being with family and friends; reading, internet, gardening, walking or running and golf.
In a survey in the United Kingdom, the hobbies most desired by those over 60 are: learning a language, dancing, and learning a new skill: cycling, acting, DIY and yoga.
In the survey of cultural habits in Spain in 2014, it was verified how hobbies, such as going to the cinema, museums, shows or reading, decrease significantly with age, being the most frequent in older people reading and going to the cinema.
In the 2015 sports habits survey in Spain, it was observed that 23.5% of retirees practice sports, compared to 65.6% of employed people. Only 3.7% of people started playing sports after age 45, compared to 70% before age 15. In contrast, life or audiovisual media attendance at sporting events remained similar across different ages.
In a study carried out in Spain by la Caixa in 2017, it is noted that retirees spend 34% of their time on training activities, and 44% take training courses related to their hobbies. In total, 78% have some amusement, 94% read, 91% listen to music, and 84% practice physical exercise; the most frequent activity is walking, swimming, gymnastics, cycling and dancing.
A curious study in the USA on centenarians reveals that 56% practised crafts, 37% outdoor activities, such as gardening, fishing or hunting, 25% reading and writing and 20% board games.
Prepare for retirement:
One aspect to highlight, commented on in various references, is the importance of “preparing” for retirement. This is not only at an economic level but also at the level of hobbies that later help to enjoy free time. It is known that learning, the sooner it is done, the easier it is. That is why it is convenient that the hobbies that will “help” us during retirement are chosen and practised before, preferably much back. This does not prevent the fact that once retired; new hobbies can be selected more according to the situation, age and abilities.
Retirement and social situation:
With its public or private pension, access to retirement is reserved for developed societies with a certain level of well-being. In the poorest areas, mainly rural areas in underdeveloped countries, or at levels with fewer resources in advanced communities, either they do not stop working or, by leaving it, they lead a life of bare subsistence or dependence on the family. Nevertheless, free time also exists in these societies and occupying it satisfactorily, within economic and social limitations, is essential and constitutes a whole theme to be developed.
Retirement in itself does not have a clear impact on the person’s quality of life.
In the group of retirees who do not know how to “fill” their free time or those who want to “do what they could not, ” it seems advisable to learn one or several hobbies.
Given the relative relationship between retirement and ageing, it is convenient to take precise measures to prevent diseases, and hobbies can help in this regard,
A personal opinion: if a retiree takes care of his health and collaborates to prevent his illnesses, it is helpful for himself, his relatives, and society. Exaggerating a bit, it could be said that having a good hobby is almost a social duty.